Wednesday, February 5, 2025

IKBFU Scientists Invented a more Effective Drug

Vibrational spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance techniques, according to the IKBFU researchers, should be used to assess the concentration and chemical composition of drugs rather than traditional complex methods. In the wake of breaking down crafted by their partners, the creators reasoned that these techniques permit them to get exact outcomes inside a couple of moments time span, while safeguarding the action and design of the particles. Also, they can be utilized to identify sedates straightforwardly in blood and other human natural liquids. Vibrational spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance will now be able to assist in determining the patient safety and quality of pharmaceutical products. Drug Metabolism and Personalized Therapy Journal published the study’s findings, which were aided by grants from the Russian Science Foundation and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

To evaluate how the medication acts in the human body, what organs it enters, and how lengthy it flows in the blood, researchers require extraordinary strategies to distinguish synthetic substances in natural liquids. In order to accomplish this, mass spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography are the two most common laboratory methods. Researchers are able to identify the drug, its targeted concentration, and its molecular makeup using these techniques. However, only highly trained professionals can use those methods, which are costly and time-consuming. Additionally, real-time analysis is not possible with them. In this way, researchers are searching for new ways to deal with recognize and survey drug focuses.

The university’s scientists proposed using vibrational spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance to measure the amount of a drug’s active ingredient.

The first method involves using infrared or ultraviolet light to irradiate the solution, and then a special device detects the compound’s response glow. The range of the «response» frequencies contrasts from one substance to another, with the goal that the synthetic creation of the arrangement still up in the air. The height of the radiation peaks in the spectra can also be used to determine the mixture’s concentrations of the various components. Vibrational spectroscopy has the advantage of being a quick and highly sensitive method that does not harm living cells or samples.

Spectra of substances that are a part of the mixture under analysis can also be obtained using the nuclear magnetic resonance method. Atomic nuclei, which respond uniquely to the magnetic field’s action, are the source of radiation in this instance. They don’t show up in any way when they’re normal, but when they’re in a magnetic field, they start to send out waves of energy. Such iotas are found in enormous numbers in the human body, which is the reason atomic attractive reverberation is utilized in the analysis of sicknesses, as well as in particles of prescriptions. As a result, the amount of the active substance can be estimated based on the signal’s intensity.

The authors of scientific articles used the aforementioned methods to determine the concentrations of various drugs in databases that were analyzed by researchers. The researchers discovered that anti-tumor medications in cancer patients’ blood can be successfully detected using vibrational spectroscopy. The methodology additionally permitted different gatherings of specialists to decide levels of anti-inflamatory medicine, L-ascorbic acid and five distinct anti-microbials in the blood and pee.

In addition, it turns out that Chinese researchers have developed a handheld device based on vibrational spectroscopy that enables them to directly measure drug concentrations in muscles and blood flowing through blood vessels. This is finished progressively utilizing a sensor, a meager needle that is embedded into a vein or muscle.

Additionally, a review of the relevant scientific literature revealed that vibrational spectroscopy’s prospects are not inferior to those of the nuclear magnetic resonance approach. Nuclear magnetic resonance has also been shown to be able to detect treatment-related side effects like the buildup of toxic substances in the blood.

We were told about their research by Vladimir Rafalsky, MD, director of the Immanuel Kant Federal University Clinical Research Center, and Andrey Zyubin, PhD, head of the Laboratory for Mathematical Modeling of Optical Properties of Nanomaterials:
We gauge the two strategies to be very encouraging and all around applied in clinical practice. They also have the ability to be combined. For instance, since the two methodologies don’t obliterate the atoms, a similar example can be dissected on different occasions — first by atomic attractive reverberation and afterward by spectroscopy. We will test additional combinations of drug concentration analyzing techniques in the future.